KoOlina Beach Villas

KoOlina Beach VillasThis large mixed-use project is located on the edge of one of the world famous lagoons at KoOlina on the Island of Oahu, Hawaii.

The two tow­ers include a total of xxx res­i­den­tial units with a mix­ture of two, three and four bed­room units.

A sep­a­rate, ded­i­cated sys­tem   pres­sur­izes each apart­ment with dehu­mid­i­fied fresh air, inde­pen­dently of the apartment’s air con­di­tion­ing sys­tem. In addi­tion to pro­vid­ing supe­rior com­fort con­di­tions, this sys­tem main­tains excel­lent humid­ity con­trol within the dwellings, pro­tect­ing the apart­ment and fur­nish­ings from Hawaii’s high humidity.