Plumbing Design

Beall & Asso­ciates, Inc. spe­cial­izes in the design of very effi­cient and cost-effective plumb­ing sys­tems, par­tic­u­larly for mid and high-rise build­ings. These sys­tems include the following:

Single-Stack Drainage Systems

The cost of pip­ing in con­ven­tional waste and vent sys­tems is sub­stan­tial, par­tic­u­larly in high-rise con­struc­tion. We have stan­dard­ized our designs on engi­neered “single-stack” sys­tems which sub­stan­tially reduces first costs and increases reli­a­bil­ity over con­ven­tional sys­tems. We have used this sys­tem in more than a dozen high-rise build­ings and have never had a reported instance of “suds” over­flow, a prob­lem all too com­mon in high-rises using con­ven­tional code-minimum systems.

PEX Water Piping

Beall & Asso­ciates, Inc. is a firm pro­po­nent of PEX water pip­ing sys­tems when designed prop­erly and installed using proper mate­ri­als and meth­ods. We have used PEX exten­sively in more than a dozen large projects and have never heard of a fail­ure of the mate­ri­als or sys­tem. We believe that a prop­erly engi­neered sys­tem is not only less costly than a con­ven­tional all cop­per sys­tem, it will be more effi­cient and more reliable.

Hot Water Tem­per­a­ture Maintenance

It is not enough to pro­duce domes­tic hot water very effi­ciently, size the sys­tems prop­erly and pro­tect against Legionella, you must pro­vide effec­tive tem­per­a­ture main­te­nance. This means that hot water must be deliv­ered to fix­tures in a timely fash­ion and with­out fluc­tu­a­tions in tem­per­a­ture and pres­sure. One thing we have learned from work­ing with hotel oper­a­tors and from review­ing exist­ing prop­er­ties; there can be noisy a/c units, pipes can rat­tle in walls, spaces can be stuffy, but by far the worst offence is a lousy shower in the morning.